Noise Engineering Jam Jam

Noise Engineering Jam Jam

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Four-channel trigger/gate/clock processor with three modes

Jam Jam is a four-channel trigger and gate processor with three modes: Random, Clock Phase, and Gate Delay. JJ is so versatile, you’ll find use for it in every patch.

Add a bit of variety to your patch with Random mode: use four channels of individually adjustable probability to process gate or trigger patterns.

Use Clock Phase mode to add some organic feel to your sequences—or break them in and out of sync completely.

Gate Delay mode is a powerful timing tool useful for anything from precise adjustments for latency compensation to big changes for creative patching: delay events from sub-millisecond adjustments to huge delays of over 15 seconds.

Jam Jam is a musical and fun utility you won’t want to be without. And with voltage control over each channel in all modes, Jam Jam is a completely new way to work with binary signals in your patches.

Condition: New 

Info from Noise Engineering